Why buy a massage table or chair from ALIVEe?
Beyond our dedication to superior quality and design in our massage tables for sale,
it is also our dedication to persever our planet!
We all know that we are depleting our supply of natural resources at an astonishing rate. At ALIVEe Massage Tables and Chairs we know we cannot stop the burning of fossil fuels, reverse global warming, stop hunger, end wars, but we can start. By controlling our impact on the environment, and we do this every place we are able. One Massage Table at a time, One Project, One charity at a time.
-ALIVEe Massage Tables and Chairs Reforestation Project
We honor the life we have and the energy that has been used to create your ALIVEe Massage Tables. So for every massage table for sale and chair we sell at aliveemassagetable.com we plant a tree in an endangered forest. Helping our children breath better tomorrow.
Donate to ALIVEe Massage Tables and Chairs Reforestation Project
-5% Back From ALIVEe Massage Tables and Chairs
We also donate 5% of our profits to various non-profit organization dedicated in helping the environment and society.
-Our Offices and massage tables warehouses
To reduce our carbon footprint ALIVEe Massage Tables and Chairs has converted our offices and warehouses to Geo Thermal heating and cooling, instead of fossil fuels it is now the earth’s nature energy to heat and cool our facilities. In our continual attempts to remove ourselves from the grid and be completely self sustaining massage table manufacturer, we are in the research and development phases of moving forward with having all our facilities to be powered by solar and wind.
As Always we thank you for your support and contributions that make all of this possible
Find Your Massage Table at ALIVEe Massage Tables and Chairs and better the environment